Apple has just announced its next version of iPad Mini with Retina Display for a price starting at $399 and it will be available in November. The iPad mini features the stunning Retina Display with 3.1 million pixels (2048 X 1536 resolution) of iPad Air into its 7.9-inch Multi-Touch display, for a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch and is powered by 64-bit Apple-designed A7 Chip.
The 7.9-inch Retina display device can play movies at full 1080p HD resolution just like the bigger iPad. It weighs just 0.73 pound (331 g) 9 WiFI Model) and 0.29 inch (7.5 mm) thick.
iPad Mini will be available in Space Gray and Silver color for both WiFI and WiFI + Cellular models. In terms of pricing, it starts at $399 for the WiFi model and $529 for the WiFi + Cellular model for the 16 GB storage capacity.
Wi-Fi Models :
- 16GB : $399
- 2GB : $499
- 64GB : $599
- 128GB: $699
Wi-Fi + Cellular
- 16GB : $529
- 2GB : $629
- 64GB : $729
- 128GB: $829